Sentosa a few days in a row
Kope prom photos from my facebook!! I'll post them up here when I have time (tomorrow, monday?!).
I'm far too indecisive, look what happened today. Wasn't expecting myself to come until last night's last minute decision. I'll come back cause I made a promise to myself HMM. I'm really....too indecisive omg -__-
Today's a VERY VERY tiring day with Terie and Yihao that started in the afternoon, my feet hurts so much that I can't walk properly now. Stupid flat feet and slippers.
Nonetheless, I had a great time perspiring, walking around in circles in a "forest" (jungle trail) with insects biting me all over, taking hundreds of photos till my camera battery's gone flat, getting lost, and taking even more pictures. Hey they're negative stuff but that's why its fun okay! :D
Thanks guys!! for agreeing to go with me to Sentosa again (even though I just came back yesterday), I REALLY LOVE THAT PLACE ALOT and will always accept any invitation to go there!
[today's trip was free, cause the hotel we stayed in gave us complimentary tickets for three consecutive days, and today's the last]
OUCH!!! I'm sorry I offended you mr durian!
too bright
the bridge O:
saw a stupid man......
There's still ALOT for today, here's a FEW from the past two days I spent with my mom and dad to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, a night's stay at Treasure Resort.

my room's facing the merlion!! so my mom ended up sitting at the balcony sketching a picture of it while my dad and I were sleeeeeeeeping

The photo without the waterjetspray's nicer, but I like the jetspray thing!

Can't remember where I took it. On the way to palawan beach, I think?

at the long fountain thing

wait till the water shoots out from the hole, boy.

too bright again?!

abit too dark now?!
waves at siloso~
Guess what this is?!?! Angmohs don't like them, apparently.
I don't have superpowers, though. I'm tired, very tired, and I need some sleep. Need a shower before that.
Tomorrow's gonna be another hectic day. My mom made me promise to go to church tomorrow, I'm going with ashley to far east to fix her DS, then Terie might come over at night to watch disturbia!
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